
   bardak (m.,noun,pron.bahr-dack')
brothel (literally);disorder, mess, disarray Most frequent use connected rather with untidiness than with prostitution.
+ bitch often used like "well", but in the end of a clause
bl'adki (noun)
+ fuck session The underlying meaning is that the person is gonna fuck with whores or with occasional partner (maybe he gonna find some chick in a bar) or with somebody he knows but who has low moral principals. It isn't used if man gonna have sex with his girlfriend.
bl'adovat' (verb)
++ to be a prostitute Also means 'to fuck with everybody who wants ( maybe for free)'
bl'adstvo (noun)
++ See comments 1. A complex of habits, manners and also a way of life of a whore; 2. Prostitution in common; 3. Bad situation.
the boss Used in penitentiary for the men who control the criminals.
byk, bychara
+ redneck
bzdenok (masc. noun)
++ little old man who farts frequently /bzdYO nok/, archaic, only older generations know this one
+ nigger or "person of southern nation", e.g. Uzbek, etc. Literally: "black-assed".
dat' pizdy
++ to kick someone's ass see also "poluchit' pizdy"
shit It's strength is close to it's English equivalent
dolboy'eb (masc. noun)
++ dickhead Is close to "opesdol" and "raspizdey" but in common describes more block-headed person
drochit' (verb inf)
to masturbate
e"b tvoju mat'
+ fuck you! very common, the most used russian "dirty phrase" has the vide variety of meanings, from "How do you do", to "Go to hell!" The actual meaning depends on the intonation
ebalnik (noun)
++ a face see also "ebalo"
ebalo (noun)
++ a face see also "ebalnik"
ebalom sch'elkat'(noun)
++ too look blank see also "ebalo"
ebat' (infinitive)
++ to fuck Variations of this word used about as much as its counterpart in English.
++ Exclamation (no certain sense) Like "Oh, shit!"
eblo (noun, neuter)
++ A face almost equivalent to ebalo, but a little bit more offensive.
figa (noun)
a figure made by one's fingers (see comments) It looks like fist, but thumb instead of being at the top of fist should be pushed between pointing and fucking fingers. Showing this figure to someone is equivalent to showing 'fuck' but is not so strong. Word 'figa' is used in expressions (see "na fig", "ni figa", "ofiget'")
gandon (noun)
+ condom
gol/uboy (adj.)
male homosexual, gay. Literally: blue.
+ bastard
+ shit Used in literal reference only. Not used like its English counterpart.
dick Literlly means "horse-radish". In 90% of words an expressions "hren" is interchangeable with "kher" or "khuy" (see). The "hren" stuff should be rated with '0', "kher" - with + and "khuy" with ++. This gives an ability to say the same things with different strength.
igrat' na kozhano'i fle'ite (expr)
+ to suck one's weiner Literally translated as "to play on a leather flute"
izmudohat' (verb, trans.)
++ to beat someone, to kick someone's ass means serious damage to victim, see also "otpizdit'"
jebnut' (verb, inf.)
++ to hit something or someome (spelled with stress on the first syllsble) EX: "Oto'idi, a to jebnu" - "Get lost or I'll kick your ass"
kak dva pal'tsa obossat' (expr.)
+ (it's) a piece of cake Meaning, of course, that there can hardly be anything easier to do than that. Used as a separate sentence. Has a flavour of disdain and/or boastfulness: 'A eto smozhesh?' (What about this, can you do it?') - 'Kak dva pal'tsa obossat'!'
kazhdy drochit kak on khochet (proverb)
Means "everyone does things by the way he used to"; Literally translation "everyone masturbates by the way he likes"
khapat' (verb)
to steal Also used in expressions like "khapat' marikhuanu": to smoke marihuana
kher s nim (nei) (noun phrase)
+ to hell with it, I don't give a damn Telik pizdoi nakrylsja. - Kher s nim. The TV went out of whack. -I don't give a damn
khokhol (noun)
+ a Ukrainian Very insulting. It literally means "greedy one". (has also "forelock" as meaning)
khu'in'a(noun, female)
++ see comments 1 - means something bad or usless. "Kak pivo? - Khu'in'a" - "What would you say about this beer? - Shit"; 2 - Bad situation, trouble; 3 - thing, (usualy a part of machinery)."Otkruti 'tu khu'in'u" - "Remove this detail"
khue"vo (adv.)
+ badly (cf. pizdato) Kak dela? -Khue"vo. How are things with you? -Terrible. (Note that the Russian word is an adverb, while its English counterpart is an adjective).
khue"vyi (adj.)
+ bad (cf. pizdatyi) Khue"vye den'ki nastali. Bad days have come.
khuem grushi okolachivat'
++ to loaf Literlally translated as t"To shake pears from the trees by hitting their trunks with one's dick"
khueplet (noun, male)
++ No certain translation. It's an insult of a wide usage. Literally translated as "dickweaver". see also comments to "khuilo'
khui pinat'
++ to loaf Literally translated as "To kick dicks all around"
khuilo (noun, male)
++ No certain translation. It's an insult of a wide usage. There's a lot of insults in Russian which has no certain meaning. They are formed from the most used explicit words. Any word formed from "khuy" will sound offensive and isulting even if it has no sense.
khuine'i stradat' (expr)
++ to do smth sensless, to loaf As an example - somebody has nothing to do so he is strying to spit as far as he can for a half of an hour so we can say about him - "On khu'ine'i stradaet".
khuy (noun)
++ dick
khuynut' (verb, inf)
++ No certain translation Is used as an alternative to verabs like "hit","kick", "throw" and more. It depends on a fantasy of the one who speaks and the one who listens.
kurite moju trubku
+ Suck my cock! Used in the same derogatory way as its counterpart in English.
lysogo v kulake gonyat' (expr.)
to masturbate English analog is "to pet one's monkey"; Literally translation is "To run bald dude throughover one's fist"
+ sperm
manda (female, noun)
++ cunt "Pizda" (see) is more popular. "Manda" is interchangeable with "pizda" in expressions but not in words
mandavoshka (female, noun)
++ genital louse Often used to name any unknown insect.
ment (masc. noun)
cop Very commonly used, but don't say it to cop if he's not tied.
muda (or mud'a)
+ balls stress is on the last syllaby
mudack (masc. noun)
+ dumbass,full is spelled like "moo-duck" , commonly used like "muthafucka" EX: "Poslushay ty, mudack" - "Listen you, muthafucka".
mudilo (masc. noun)
+ dumbass,full A little bit stronger than "mudack".
mudozvon (masc. noun)
+ The one who is talking shit Literally translation is "The one who is chiming with his balls"

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