русский мат

chlen (noun) member, penis
chort (noun) the Devil, the Evil One, Used alone as an interjection like 'hell' or 'damn' in English. Often combined with 'bery' (take) to mean the Devil take it, you, etc.., as in 'chort tebe bery' (the Devil take you!), or with 'znaie' (knows) as in 'chort znaie' (only the Devil knows). Also combined with 'do' (to) as in 'do chorta' (to the Devil), equivalent to (Damn you!). Derived from 'chorniy' (black).
diermo (noun) ++ shit This always refers to the smelly product of defecation. 'diermo' is probably the worst grade of shit, along with 'srach'. 'hivno' is a little less strong. 'kaka' is milder yet, suitable even for small children.
dupa (n.) + butt, rear-end; anus (dialectal) See "zhopa", "sraka".
hivno (noun) ++ shit, crap eg 'kupa hivna' (pile of shit) The accent is on the last syllable.
kaka (noun) + crap, doodoo The firt syllable is accented.
kakaty (verb) + to take a dump, defecate The first syllable is accented.
katsap (noun) ++ Russian Derived from 'tsap' (billy goat). A stereotypical 'katsap' has a goatee beard, but the term is used derogatively for any Russian. Accent is on 'tsap'.
kholera (noun used as interjection) + cholera, a usually-fatal disease Used superstitiously to mean bad luck or damnation.
khuy (noun) ++ cock, dick, penis
na khuy (phrase) ++ on a cock, fucked Typical usage is 'idy na khuy!' (get fucked!), literally (go on a cock). 'na khuy' is a two syllable phrase with the accent on 'na'. For example 'na khuy ya pratsuiu?' (why the fuck am I working?)
obistsianiy (adjective) + soaked in piss Derived from 'ob' (surrounded by) + 'stsiaty' (to piss)
obkakaniy (adjective) + covered with shit, crappy Accent is on the first 'ka'.
pissia (noun) + piss, urine Accent is on 'pi'
pizda (noun) ++ cunt, pussy, vagina Accent is on 'da'.
podonok (noun) + jerk Accent is on 'do'.
shliakh trafyt' (phrase) ++ may Fate strike it, God damn it This is something you wish on your worst enemy. It is said only in great anger. The last 't' is pronounced soft, like the 't' in (feature) or (astute)
shliukha (noun) + slut, woman easy to fuck Accent is on the first syllable/
shturkaty (verb) + to poke, to fuck This is a euphemism for fucking. It literally means to poke.
sisi (plural noun) + tits Accent is almost equal on both syllables, possible a little stronger on the first 'si'
sosaty (verb) + to suck (pussy or cock) eg 'sosy mene' (suck my dick)
srach (noun) +. shithole, toilet, ++. shit
sraka (n.) ++ asshole See 'dupa' and 'zhopa'.
srakaty (verb) + to shit Accent is on the first syllable
sraty (v.i., I) + to shit conj: (seru, seresh, ...)
suka (n.) + bitch (lit.) a female dog. Can be used as an epithet as in English.
tfu (interjection) ptui (the sound of spitting) Repeated three times in a row while looking over the left shoulder as an incantation to ward off the Devil, 'tfu tfu tfu'. Usage similar to English (knock on wood), as in 'Ya skinchu bez pomilok, tfu tfu tfu' (I won't make any mistakes, knock on wood).
trakhkaty (verb) + to bang, to fuck From 'trakh!' (bang!)
uzny mene (phrase) ++ kiss my asshole Regional hutsul expression. Hutsuls are Carpathian Ukrainians.
yub tvoiu mat' (imperative phrase) ++ fuck your mother, motherfuck The 't' followed by an apostrophe is pronounced soft, like the 't' in English 'feature' or the first 't' in 'astute'.
yubaty (verb) ++ to fuck Sometimes pronounced 'yobaty'. The pronounciation is not standardized since this word doesn't appear in dictionaries.
zasraniy (adjective) + shitty, shit on, covered with shit
zhlob (noun) bumpkin, hick, boor
zhopa (noun) + butt, ass, asshole
zhopka (noun) little butt Affectionate diminutive of 'zhopa'. 'Tvoia zhopka meni podobaietsia' (I like your cute little butt).

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